Survey Systems, Profit Priorities, and Winery Wanderings
Published on
Jul 22, 2024
Issue #
What's ahead:
The surveys we repeatedly send that guide our decision-making; why it's important to prioritize what’s profitable in your business; and some peaceful moments from our recent day trip to Portuguese wineries
The latest updates on what we're working on:
Last week, we put the finishing touches on the new WAIM Unlimited sales page (brand new website very coming soon! 🔜🤩) as well as the massive companion workbook to our upcoming Calm Launch Formula 🧘♀️🚀 course.
We are so excited to be creating this new resource—we know it has the power to make launching more successful and sustainable for so many solopreneurs.
This week we'll be buttoning up the course to get it into the hands of our WAIM members early so we can make it the best it can be before it's officially available alongside our next WAIM enrollment period, opening up August 26th (Mark your calendars! That's just 5 Mondays from now!)
But enough about us...let's get to the goods we have for YOU!
- Jason and Caroline

predictable 🔄
4 surveys you can systematically send that will improve your business

👨🏻🦲👋: Do you know why someone subscribed to your email list yesterday?
🤔 Do you know the #1 reason that led someone to purchase a product from you last week?
🤔 Do you know why someone didn’t buy during your last launch?
🤔 Do you have a system for getting feedback on the products you sell to ensure they’re delivering value to your customers?
A few years ago, we couldn’t have easily answered those questions. It would’ve been a lot of guessing and assumptions!
But, we can absolutely answer those questions today, and it’s because we’ve identified four key surveys that we always send to our audience/customers at different points on their journey.
The four surveys we’ve used time and time again that we recommend you implement this week are:
After Subscribe Survey
After Purchase Survey
Post-Launch Non-Buyer Survey
Offer Feedback Survey
And you might be thinking… “That sounds like a lot of work to come up with all the questions I’d need to ask for each 😩.” Which is why, you can just STEAL OUR SURVEYS! 😂😂
🔗 Grab the Google Doc or the Notion Page (100% free!)
Both of those have example survey questions we wrote for our WAIM members. You can snag them today, because we just want to help you learn more about your audience/customers without having to put in too much mental effort.
Our business is way more predictable because we know how to talk to our audience, what to talk to them about, what they want to learn from us, and tell us if the things we sell are helping solve their problems (or not).
If you take ONE action in your business this week, it should be to setup the After Subscribe Survey ✅. That one is a no-brainer and should only take 20-30 minutes!
🎥 Want to learn more about how we use these surveys and where exactly to share them? Watch this week’s YouTube video on surveys.
- Jason 👨🏻🦲

Profitable 🤑
Are you prioritizing the projects that bring you profit?

👩🏻🦰 👋: If you’re a solopreneur, you are very familiar with the struggle of juggling multiple projects and goals.
Earlier this year, we decided to make 2024 the year we focused on our second business, Teachery. You might have followed along on our journey as we geared up to create and share new organic content to grow Teachery’s audience.
All of that effort was not for nothing—we definitely still have big plans for Teachery! However, there came a point about two weeks ago where it became clear we needed to deprioritize Teachery for a bit so we could shift our focus back to the profit center of our business: WAIM.
Here’s the truth: when you are running a solo or small team business, your resources are limited, which means you have to be wise about where you spend your precious time and energy.
If you say you want a more profitable business—one that sets you up for financial freedom—you're going to have to make tough calls and rearrange priorities often.
Our WAIM Unlimited enrollment periods are the most important few weeks for our business. Timing considerations this year meant we had to move up our enrollment period, meaning every other timeline shifted forward. We’re creating a whole new program AND a whole new website, and those hours have to come from somewhere. So, we had to press pause on our content goals for Teachery.
But here's what I want to remind you of this week:
You're allowed to shift your priorities when presented with new information. In fact, that's smart business!
The key takeaway here for you is to check in on your priorities. You can do it all, just not all at once.
If profitability is your objective, are you focusing your attention on the offers that bring financial leverage to your business? Are you dedicating the necessary time and effort to these, or are you getting distracted by other goals?
Yes, we have big dreams for Teachery, but we know timing is everything. Right now, we’re all-in on making this WAIM Unlimited enrollment the best it can be, basking in the renewed energy from our brand refresh, and developing our new Calm Launch Formula program. Once we have the bandwidth, we’ll get back to our Teachery content plans.
As solopreneurs, we’re always shifting our time and energy resources. Be strategic about how you use yours!
- Caroline 👩🏻🦰

Peaceful 🧘
Pics from our Portuguese field trip!

👩🏻🦰 👋: As we have mentioned, we are in a busy season right now, pouring lots of energy into new things. But amidst that, we want to make sure we don’t lose sight of balance and living a rich and fulfilling life along the way. We knew it would take some intentional effort to do that, so we booked a wine tour day at two wineries here in Portugal near our little beach town.
One was a 100-year-old winery called Quinta das Cerejeiras, a family winery in the Óbidos region. The other, in contrast, was a relatively new winery, Adega d’Aroccha.

It was such a beautiful reminder of how grateful we are—grateful to live in this beautiful country with rich history, kind people, and natural beauty everywhere. We are also grateful to run businesses that give us this kind of freedom and peace of mind to enjoy days like this. Hope you're taking some time this week to revel in the beautiful things this life has to offer.
- Caroline 👩🏻🦰

Ways we can help you build a calm online business:
Start building online courses with Teachery. This is our other business baby, an online course platform we created to help you build beautifully branded online courses that look completely custom.
Find out what's holding you back with our Calm Biz Bottleneck quiz. Are you a Time Tangler ⏰, Meticulous Maker 💎, Invisible Innovator 👻, Penny Producer 💸, or Misunderstood Marketer 🤷. Once you know, we'll give you tips on how to fix it!
Ps. We use ConvertKit to send you these emails and you can find all our online biz tools we love here.