Moving through a stressful slump
Published on
Jan 27, 2025
Issue #
Welp, we're not even at the end of January yet, and already this year has thrown us a little personal curveball. 🫣
Unfortunately, we had a family member admitted to the hospital last week, and that gave us a bit of a scare. Thankfully, they'll be alright, but this unexpected event has set in motion a host of unforeseen stressors that weren't on our bingo card this month.
If I'm honest, I (Caroline) am feeling distracted and unmotivated while I process the emotions that accompany a health scare like this. (Not to mention everything heavy going on in the world AT ALL TIMES.)
But, when things like this happen—as they always do, because, LIFE—I always think it's a great opportunity to:
a) practice gratitude for the flexibility that an online business provides and fully appreciate what a privilege it is to be your own boss; and
b) share with all of you how we move through periods of unexpected stress and minimize fallout from weeks where we simply don't feel like working.
So, the theme of this week's newsletter is all about moving through a stressful slump, and how you can continue to cultivate your Calm Creator Business in spite of how you might be feeling.
The most important thing to remember is to focus on each day as it comes, keep trying your best, and know that no feeling is forever so things will turn around eventually. Keep going!
Let's get into it!
- Jason and Caroline

tips for more predictability 🔄
When your capacity is low, something is better than nothing

👩🏻🦰 👋: When I'm in a slump, there are days when stress or overwhelm makes even the smallest tasks feel insurmountable.
My brain often tells me, just call this day a wash—don’t even bother working on anything. But one thing I’ve learned over the years is to fight that all-or-nothing mentality by lowering the bar and reminding myself that something, anything, is better than nothing.
For example, instead of saying, I can’t possibly work up the willpower to write this newsletter, I’ll ask myself: Can I put on some music and just start writing?
Because what's the worst thing that happens? I write a mediocre newsletter? 😱 Let's be honest, not everything you make has to be groundbreaking. Heck, there are even times when I'm trying my hardest and still manage to make something that's just, frankly, not great. Oh well! Who cares?!
You give it your best shot knowing the next one will be better.
This is where having predictable processes really comes in handy. I have the same newsletter routine I go through every Friday, and so all I have to do is engage that muscle memory, lower my perfectionism bar just enough to get something out the door, and not beat myself up over the end product.
Even if the outcome isn’t stellar—I keep the train moving, and that’s a huge win. Showing up, even in small ways, is what builds consistency and helps you weather tough times.
🌟 Action item: If you too are in a slump, pick one task to lower the bar on this week and decide you're going to show up anyway.
- Caroline 👩🏻🦰

tips for more profit 🤑
When you're not feeling it, protect your profit centers

👨🏻🦲 👋: Stressful or distracted times often mean you have less motivation to work. Instead of fighting this, get ruthless about your priorities.
Focus on accomplishing just one big thing a day—but make sure it’s a task that is tied to the profit centers of your business.
These are things like finishing that client project, responding to that new client inquiry, accomplishing those planning tasks for your upcoming launch—the more you let these things slide, the bigger the cashflow interruption will be.
When you’re feeling stretched thin, these kinds of critical tasks can feel even harder to tackle because they carry more pressure. But, trust us, one month from now, you’ll likely be in a much better place mentally, and you’ll be glad you didn’t let the well completely run dry.
If you have limited energy to give, prioritize the work that keeps cash flowing, even if it’s just a small step. Future-you will thank you.
🎯 Step #1: Identify your key profit-driving tasks.
🔍 Step #2: Commit to one priority per day that supports cash flow.
🛠️ Step #3: Give yourself permission to let other tasks wait.
- Jason 👨🏻🦲

tips for more peace 🧘
Start the day by filling up your tank

👩🏻🦰 👋: I know it’s cliche advice, but it bears repeating: when you’re stressed or emotionally taxed, daily habits and self-care become more important than ever.
Right now, in the midst of this little family crisis period, it’s easy to wake up, check health update text messages, and spring into action.
But the truth is, things are NOT in an immediate emergency right now, and so I can choose to fill up my own tank before giving my energy to everyone else who needs me. When I do that, I'm much more grounded to give my best to the people who love me AND I can fill up my tank for the essential things that need to get done even when I'm distracted.
So, I go back to the basics that make me feel grounded: a morning meditation, journaling, puzzling, drinking water, and getting enough sleep. These small practices are the foundation that keep me going during weeks when my nervous system feels elevated.
It’s not about luxury self-care—it’s about simple routines that help you stay steady when life gets unpredictable.
🌟 Action item: Choose one morning habit that fills your energy tank. Practice doing this one thing before you give your energy to others this week.
- Caroline 👩🏻🦰

gimme, gimme more
Ways we can help you build a calm online business:
Start building online courses with Teachery. This is our other business baby, an online course platform we created to help you build beautifully branded online courses that look completely custom. Get our limited time Lifetime Deal here.
Want bigger launches with less stress? Snag our raved-about course, Calm Launch Formula, and learn our proven system for selling digital products without the chaos of a hectic launch! Use code "growingsteady" at checkout for 50% off!
Ps. We use Kit to send you these emails and you can find all our online biz tools we love here.