Are you looking for Better Branding Course?
If you landed on this page, it's likely because you tried to visit the BetterBrandingCourse.com website, and that website has been shut down as of February 2023.
I (Caroline Zook 👩🏻🦰👋) ran and sold Better Branding Course for almost ten years, but now it's time to focus my attention on my current ventures (like this site you're on that I run with my husband called Wandering Aimfully! 😉)
If you're a business owner looking to DIY your branding, we teach you that and so much more inside our un-boring coaching program called Wandering Aimfully Unlimited. You can check it out here!
🤔 Are you a Better Branding Course customer?
You can log in below, depending on how you joined the course.
(If you click a link below and it takes you to a payment page rather than a login page, try a different link option. If you're a member of the course, the correct link will take you directly to the course login page.)
Purchased at BetterBrandingCourse.com:
Purchased at AppSumo.com:
Purchased at Mighty Deals:
Again, the course is no longer for sale. If you're running into some sort of error, feel free to jump over to our Contact Page and send an email with specific instructions so we can help you!
If you're a Wandering Aimfully member, don't forget you have access to this course within your WAIM dashboard. That isn't changing, and you'll always be able to access the course content! 👍