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Why You Should Create A Weird Morning Ritual

Wandering Aimfully Through Intentional Living

Why You Should Create A Weird Morning Ritual

Changing yourĀ morning ritual can makeĀ a profoundĀ impact on yourĀ overall happiness and productivity.
Jason ZookJason Zook Jason ZookJason Zook

Written by

Jason Zook

Your best morning routine or “weird morning ritual” will only take a few minutes to create but can have an incredible impact on your life.

Before I share my weird morning ritual, I think itā€™s important to share my old one because Iā€™m willing to bet the shirt off my back yours is eerily similar…

Wake up: Whether to an alarm or not, grab iPhone and swipe open. Immediately check any application showing a red notification (Twitter, Facebook, and email).

While reading email: Find out that I forgot to do something or someone wrote me an angry email. Fight the urge to write an angry reply, especially because Iā€™m still lying in bed.

While scrolling through Facebook: See a post from someone bashing our current president, or a rant about taxes, or a puppy thatā€™s in need of help, or a post about how our current president invented taxes on puppies.

While skimming Twitter: Read a tweet from someone complaining about how awful customer service is. Or a similar message about presidents/taxes/puppies.

Get up: Grumpy, sulking, and forcing myself to do some sort of ā€œworkā€ before anything else. Still thinking about how Iā€™m mad at the stuff I read, and how much I disagree with it.

You get the point. Believe or it not, youā€™re experiencing the same thing if you have a similar morning ritual. Even if you have the most highly curated feeds and friend lists, negativity will always slither its way through the cracks of our digital lives.

Hereā€™s where I took control back. I decided to make a change and quit starting my day with negative things. I decided to remove all opportunities for the boa constrictor of negativity to make his way around my neck. I decided to start spending the first 10ā€“15 minutes of my day with positive experiences.

Creating the best morning routine possible

So what did I do to create the best morning routine to increase happiness and productivity?

Meditation? Yoga? Deep breathing? Hide my iPhone in another part of my house? Get a puppy that can do taxes? Nope. I instituted InstaCoffeeHobbes. (And yes, thatā€™s a terrible name I made up.)

Weird morning ritual #1: Insta = Instagram

I keep my phone next to my bed, that wasnā€™t going to change. But I removed the Facebook and Twitter apps and moved the mail app to the second page. When I open my phone, one of the only app icons I click is Instagram. Why Instagram? Because itā€™s a selective feed of photos of friends, family, beautiful people, cars, landscapes, and more. I canā€™t remember the last time something showed up in my Instagram feed that was negative.

I spend between 5ā€“15 minutes on Instagram. I get caught up on new photos from people I follow and check out the Instagram explore page to find interesting new stuff. After that, I close my phone and get out of bed.

Weird morning ritual #2: Coffee = Coffee

I previously made Bulletproof Coffee (yes, with the butter in it). But I’ve since moved on to spending even more time making coffee in the morning.

I grind my beans every morning, sometimes by hand. I measure and boil exactly 850 grams of water. I use a Chemex to make two perfect (to me) cups of coffee. The entire process takes 5-10 minutes. I don’t look at my phone, laptop, or any attention-grabbing-notificationsĀ during this process.

Weird morning ritual #3: Hobbes = Calvin and Hobbes

While my coffee is brewing, I grab one of the twelve (not kidding) Calvin and Hobbes books I own. Why Calvin and Hobbes? First, it takes me back to a happy place in my childhood. I remember flipping through the Sunday paper with my mom to find the newest comic from Bill Watterson. I remember pretending I was Calvin and living out his adventures in my mind. I also remember re-reading the books in the attic of my grandparents house later in life (it was a finished attic, they didnā€™t force me up there or anything weird).

Jason Zook reading Calvin and Hobbes

Second, Calvin and Hobbes has some of the greatest writing about life you will ever read. Donā€™t believe me? Go read a few comics right now and tell me Iā€™m wrong.

Instead of looking at my phone or firing up my laptop (where I could find negativity) while my coffee is brewing, I smile and conjure up feelings of happiness by reading a handful of comic strips.

Calvin and Hobbes Monsters Under The Bed

I’ve also substituted Calvin and Hobbes for Austin Kleon’s Steal Like An Artist Journal.

By the time my coffee has finished brewing, Iā€™ve spent 10ā€“15 minutes doing only things that make me happy. My day has started with positivityā€”positivity that will be a shield of armor from the rigors of the rest of my day. If I were to start with negative influences first, the rest of the day is an uphill battle to reach positivity.

I’d rather start my morning ritual with positivity, wouldn’t you?

You may not be a big kid at heart and want to read Calvin and Hobbes. You may despise coffee. You may not have an Instagram account. But I guarantee you can replace InstaCoffeeHobbes with your own thing(s).

Maybe that means sitting cross-legged and breathing deeply in a dimly lit corner of your house while videos of puppies play in the background? I donā€™t know. If that takes you to the peak of Mount Positivity each morning, then do that! I know how important starting my day off without negativity has been for me, and I want that for you as well.

Jason Zook Chemex Coffee

It doesnā€™t matter if you work from home or work a 9-to-5 job and have a commute; invest some time finding a morning ritual that makes you happy.

Take control of how you start your dayā€”donā€™t let the start of your day control you.

Why You Should Create A Weird Morning Ritual

(Big Fat Takeaway)

There is no perfect morning routine or ritual, only the morning routine or ritual that is perfect for YOU.


This article written by

Jason Zook

I'm all about that Cinnamon Roll life (that just seemed like a "cool" way to say I love baking and eating cinnamon rolls). Also, I co-run this WAIM thing as well as Teachery. Currently, 75ish% completion of Tears of the Kingdom šŸ§ā€ā™€ļøāš”ļø.

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