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Wandering Aimfully: The Show

032 – We Need To Stop Measuring Our Self-Worth With Social Media

Episode 032

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Episode Summary

Being on social media websites can be helpful for our businesses and for staying connected with loved ones, but the longer we spend on these networks the more our self-worth gets tied to them.

We’ve realized over the years how swept up our decision-making can get with social media metrics. Even on this episode, we talk about not posting more “real” moments because they don’t match the curated life we want to portray.

We definitely don’t have all the answers when it comes to NOT measuring your self-worth on social media, all we know is that it’s a slippery slope and we need to tread lightly. We need to acknowledge our behaviors, our choices, and force ourselves to take breaks from always being connected to social media.

Related article: Do A Social Media Detox

Source for dopamine article: Are Facebook Likes Similar To Cocaine Addiction

QUESTION FOR YOU: Are you willing to take a break from social media or at the very least only check it once or twice per day? (Feel free to comment with your answer on YouTube).


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032 – We Need To Stop Measuring Our Self-Worth With Social Media

(Big Fat Takeaway)

We need to stop measuring our self-worth based on how popular our posts or accounts are on social media.

032 – We Need To Stop Measuring Our Self-Worth With Social Media

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