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Wandering Aimfully: The Show

022 – How To Deal With Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome

Episode 022

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Episode Summary

Let us start off by saying EVERYONE deals with self-doubt. Especially when it comes to running your own business or making a big change in your life, it’s normal to go through imposter syndrome.

One way Caroline deals with self-doubt before starting something new is to acknowledge how much she’d regret not doing that thing. Yes, it’s scary to navigate uncharted waters, but it’s much worse to have never dipped your toes in those waters and always wondered “what if.”

For Jason, dealing with imposter syndrome and self-doubt comes down to challenging his own assumptions. Put your doubtful thoughts to the test and don’t let them impact business decisions or life choices until they prove that negative assumptions are correct.

Don’t let self-doubt hold you back from getting started and don’t compare where you are on your journey to the end of someone else’s journey.

QUESTION FOR YOU: What self-doubt in life or business can you challenge this week? (Feel free to comment with your answer on YouTube).


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022 – How To Deal With Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome

(Big Fat Takeaway)

Everyone deals with self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Instead of letting your thoughts defeat you before you even get started, put your assumptions to the test and remind yourself you don't want to have regrets of not doing something later in life.

022 – How To Deal With Self-Doubt and Imposter Syndrome

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